Appendix B
Traffic Manager Configuration Options
NNTP option: Clustering
Allows cluster-wide NNTP caching.
NNTP option: Allow Feeds
Allows the Traffic Server to accept feeds of news articles from feed
or push groups.
If Traffic Server is clustered, configure your news server
to send feeds to only one node in the cluster.
Feed and push groups are designated in the
file. The Traffic Server does not cache
news articles from feed groups; instead, it receives feeds of news
articles as the parent NNTP server receives feeds. Push groups are
groups for which the Traffic Server can both retrieve articles on
demand and receive news feeds.
nntp_servers.config‚ on page 177
for information about
designating news groups as push or feed in the
NNTP option: Access Logs
Configures Traffic Server to log NNTP transactions in its event logs.
NNTP option: Background Posting
Configures Traffic Server to post NNTP articles to parent NNTP
servers in the background.
NNTP option: Obey Cancel Control
Sets the Traffic Server to obey
control messages. When the
Traffic Server gets a cancel control message, it deletes the
corresponding article from the cache.
You do not need to enable this option if the Traffic Server is caching
articles on demand (if there are no feed groups). For all non-feed
news groups, the Traffic Server actively polls parent NNTP servers
for cancelled articles. See the Check for Cancelled Articles option,
NNTP option: Obey Newgroups
Control Messages
Configures Traffic Server to obey
control messages.
Traffic Server actively polls parent NNTP servers for new
groups; see the Check for New Groups option, below.
NNTP option: Obey Rmgroups
Control Messages
Sets the Traffic Server to obey
(remove group) control
Inactivity Timeout
Sets the number of seconds that idle connections can remain open.
This timeout should be at least 3 minutes.
Check for New Groups Every
The Traffic Server regularly polls parent NNTP servers for new
groups. This option is the time period between checks. The parent
group lists change slowly, so you do not need to check them
You must list the hosts you want to poll in the
Check for Cancelled Articles Every
The Traffic Server regularly polls all non-feed news groups on the
parent NNTP servers for cancelled articles. This option is the
amount of time between checks. Checking for new articles should
not be done too frequently as it involves communication with the
parent NNTP server.
Check Parent NNTP Server Every
The Traffic Server regularly polls the parent NNTP server for new
articles. This is the amount of time between polls.
Check Cluster Every
Specifies how often the Traffic Server polls other Traffic Server
nodes in the cluster to see if new articles have appeared.