Configuring the switch
The following table describes the RIP Route Redistribution Configuration controls:
Table 163
RIP Route Redistribution Configuration controls
Control Descriptions
Metric (1-15, 0 = none)
Exports the routes of this protocol in which the metric and metric type are specified.
To remove a previous configuration and stop exporting the routes of the protocol,
enter 0 (none).
Route Maps Available
Lists the route maps that can be added to the list of OSPF static route.
Out Route Map List
Lists the route maps that are members of the RIP route.
Select a route map number in the Route Maps Available list and click
to add
the route map to the list of RIP Redistribution routes.
Select a route map number in the Out Route Map list and click
to remove
the route map from the list of RIP Redistribution routes.
RIP General Configuration
To display the following form, select
Layer 3 > Routing Information Protocol > General.
The following table describes the RIP Interface Configuration controls:
Table 164
RIP General Configuration controls
Control Descriptions
Globally Enable RIP?
Globally enables or disables RIP.
Update Period (1-120 sec)
Configures the time interval for sending for RIP table updates, in seconds.
The default value is 30 seconds.