Virtual Router Operation
To display the following form, go to the Virtual Routers Dashboard. Select a virtual router number.
The following table describes the Virtual Router Operation controls:
Table 48
Virtual Router Operation controls
Control Description
Set Virtual Router
to Backup
Forces the master virtual router into backup mode. This is generally used for passing master
control back to a preferred switch once the preferred switch has been returned to service after
a failure. When this command is executed, the current master gives up control and initiates a
new election by temporarily advertising its own priority level as 0 (lowest). After the new
election, the virtual router forced into backup mode by this command will resume master control
in the following cases:
This switch owns the virtual router (the IP addresses of the virtual router and its IP interface
are the same)
This switch’s virtual router has a higher priority and preemption is enabled.
There are no other virtual routers available to take master control.