(Available on Formula Excel, Horizon & Excel risers)
Most Hoyt riser and limb combinations do not require adjust-
ment. The riser dovetail pocket is factory aligned and should
only be adjusted by a qualified equipment technician. One
full sweep of the block to the left or right will result in a cor-
responding .020” of lateral limb adjustment at the dovetail.
Attention: Remove the left & right locking screws (see photo
below) before making any adjustments. Do not lose the lock-
ing screws. Adjustments may be made with the bow in a
strung position, however, Hoyt recommends unstringing the
bow to reduce wear on the paint finish of the limbs.
Do not attempt to adjust or remove the center pivot bolt on
the alignment block.
With the locking screws removed, access the adjustment
screws to make adjustments:
Removing turns from the right side screw and adding an
Left Adjustment Screw
Left Locking Screw
Right Adjustment Screw
Right Locking Screw
Center Pivot Bolt