your bow where applicable and that all mounting hardware is
securely tightened. Ensure that all attached accessories are
clear of string and arrow flight path when the bow is shot.
Arrow Rest Setting - There are many different arrow rest
designs and styles. Ensure the arrow rest is right handed or
left handed based on your bow. On all Hoyt Recurve bows,
arrow rests should be positioned on your bow so that your
arrow fletchings completely clear the bow riser when the bow
is shot. Always follow and use the specific arrow rest manu-
facturer’s instructions for correctly
setting up the arrow rest for proper
function and tuning.
Arrow Length Setting - For all
Hoyt Recurve bows, the required
safe operating length/position of
the arrow in relationship to the ar-
row rest when setup within the safe
operating parameters is when the
tip or end of the arrow, measures a
minimum of 1” measured from the center of the rest mounting
hole to the tip or end of the arrow
(see photo B). Draw lengths
vary from person to person, therefore the same arrow might
not be in the safe operation position for all shooters.
Nocking Points - All bows require the
use of a nocking point device to proper-
ly locate the arrow onto the bow string
in relationship to the arrow rest. For all
Hoyt Recurve bows, the required safe
operating position of the nocking point
device is when the arrow is attached to
the bow string and resting on the arrow
rest, the arrow will be between 0" - ½”
photo C
photo B