Hoyt's Pro Series Limb Adjustment Dowels allows an archer
to adjust each limb to be perfectly balanced throughout the
entire draw cycle.
Condition 1. String your bow and pay attention to the limb
tips. If the limb tips are sitting in the middle of the limb then no
adjustment is needed. (See condition 1.)
Condition 2. Unstring your bow and remove your limbs (See
page 15). If your limb tip is to the right, remove one or pos-
sibly two shims from the left stud and place them under the
right stud. This will move the limb tip to the center of the limb.
To remove the adjustment stud simply place the allen wrench
through the hole in the back of the riser and unscrew, clock-
wise, until the adjustment stud is completely removed from the
dowel. Remove the shims as needed, and place on the op-
posite adjustment stud. Replace both adjustment studs back
into the dowel and secure them with the allen wrench. Note:
do not over tighten. Over tightening the adjustment screws
can cause the adjustment studs to become fixed into the dow-
el and yielding the adjustment system unusable.
Condition 3. Unstring your bow and remove your limbs (See
page 15). If your limb tip is to the left, remove one or possibly
two shims from the right stud and place them on the left stud.
This will move the limb tip to the center of the limb.
Condition 3.
Condition 1.
Condition 2.