WARNING: Never draw or shoot a bow with frayed, worn,
or damaged strings as it could break.
1. Place the bottom fabric or plastic cup (depending on the
model) on the bottom limb tip, the cord must be routed on the
shooting string side of the limb.
2. Place the top section of the recurve bow stringer over
the top limb, the limb gripper component should rest on the
target side of the limb, approximately six inches away from
the limb tip.
3. While standing up, with one hand hold the bow in the hori-
zontal position with the shooting string parallel to the ground,
as if the bow was pointed straight upward. The recurve bow
stringer cord should be hanging towards your feet.
4. Simply step on the cord with both feet. Simultaneously pull
up on the bow with one hand so the cord is tightened. Flexing
the limbs as if it was being drawn, slide the top end loop of the
bowstring down the limb. Once the shooting string is relaxed,
let the bow down and the shooting string and limbs will relax,
and the bow will be in the unstrung position. Do not pull the
limbs further than needed to relax the string.
5. Carefully remove the shooting string by first sliding the top
loop down the limb, with enough slack in the string, remove
the bottom end loop, then slide the top end loop up the limb
and remove the string.
6. To keep the shooting string from losing its twists and
adjusted length, clip or weave the top and bottom end loops
together so the string will not become untwisted. Carefully
inspect the string for excessive wear and damage.