WARNING: It is critical that your bow is set up and func-
tioning within the bow’s required safe operating parameters
prior to use. Hoyt recommends that only a Genuine Hoyt Re-
tailer setup and inspect your archery equipment to ensure that
it is set up within the bow’s safe operating parameters. After
your bow is set up within the bow’s required safe operating
parameters, the bow should be tuned for improved accuracy
based on your shooting style and form, the arrow type and size
used, and all other accessories used.
See page 18 for tips
and basic tuning procedures.
Limb Weight Adjustment Bolt (Tiller Bolts) Settings -
Some Hoyt Recurve bows have an adjustable limb system that
allows the bow’s peak draw weight to be adjusted within the
specific bow’s available range. Your
bow’s peak draw weight can be adjust-
ed within the bow’s range by turning
the bow’s top and bottom limb weight
adjustment bolts equally
(see photo A).
WARNING: Never loosen your limb
weight adjustment bolts (Tiller Bolts)
more than 6 turns from the bottomed-
out position as it could cause the bow to violently disassemble
Attached Bow Accessories - Your Hoyt bow is equipped
with various accessory mounting locations to allow accesso-
ries such as sights, quivers, arrow rests, and stabilizers to be
attached to your bow. When attaching an accessory to your
bow, follow all accessory mounting and use instructions pro-
vided by the accessory manufacturer. Ensure that all acces-
sories are specifically right handed or left handed to match
photo A