GPS PC-board 6038
version 03.01
page 19
Failure Cause ISA bus
If your service programme has the following message:
"no clock board found"
although the
board is in the computer, or some data positions in the menu
"view time, date"
have faulty val-
ues please check the following:
if the board is placed correctly into the ISA-bus plug-in position
if there is a possible address conflict with other hardware
if the contact surfaces of the board are soiled
If the computer bios-setup allows the choice to run the ISA-bus either synchronously or asyn-
chronously the bus must be switched explicitly to asynchronous mode. The IOCHRDY signal is
needed for an error-free data transmission.
9 Delivery Condition
The clock board 6038 is delivered with the following settings:
mode 1 - 6036 compatible
local time as basis for the
DCF77 pulse output
base address $280 (+$40 = $2BF)
jumper 2 connected
no alteration of address possible)