GPS PC-board 6038
version 03.01
page 10
4.2 Initialising the GPS Reception Unit
To speed up the initial synchronisation the service programme can be used to set the time, date
and the position data at the place of use. If required also the points of changeover for summer
and daylight saving time must be entered. The respective selection menu for initialising pops up
when the menu item 2 "initialising clock board" is called up.
Keep the following sequence when setting start values in the system.
1. input of the approximately position data
2. input of the difference time UTC-local
3. input of the actual local time
4. input of changeover points daylight saving and standard time
5. release a reset of the clock after the next minute-change
After the programme has been called up, menu point 2 is used to initialise the GPS-reception
The following selection menu is shown:
meaning of the procedures start by key
Set time and date ......................................... 1
Set position data ......................................... 2
Set difference time UTC - Local ........................... 3
Set change over daylight saving and standard time ......... 4
Set time out DCF77 simulation and sync.- bit .............. 5
Set Evaluation Mode 3-D / Position fix .................... 6
Back to the main menu ..................................... Esc
after pressing the according key the data can be entered and transferred to the clock.
4.2.1 Setting Time and Date
This menu point is used to set the valid time information. The calculation of daylight saving and
standard time will be done automatically in case of programmed changeover points (look at pt.
Setting Points of Changeover) and is shown after the next complete minute changeover.
key >1<
set the time.
The entry dialogue appears where the time, day of the week and date data must be entered
plausibly. When the entry is complete the data are transferred to the clock and taken over into
the internal crystal clock after another check.
On the next minute change the entered data are loaded into the back-up clock. After every reset
or voltage failure the data are read from there. If the voltage failure takes longer than 3 days the
values of the back-up clock become invalid.
Menu point 1 in the main menu serves to check the entry.