GPS PC-board 6038
version 03.01
page 5
1 Brief Information Model 6038
system 6038 is a further development of the DCF77 radio controlled clock 6036. The
measurements are the same as the standard format for a short 8-bit ISA bus board. The follow-
ing construction features were particularly focused on:
potential free antenna circuit
no line loss caused by insertion of the indirect lightning protection
antenna cable up to 150 m by simple looping in of an amplifier into the antenna ca-
ble without its own power supply
downwards compatible with the board 6036 (I/O range)
simple access to the clock data via the I/O range incl. milliseconds
no replugging of jumpers required! All address and mode settings are carried out by
the software included in the delivery.
back-up clock function with maintenance free memory element
TTL pulse outputs
interrupt operation with freely programmable cyclic interrupt variable from 10-65536
milliseconds (ideal for measuring purposes)
GPS reception analysis function
RS232 interface equipped for the synchronisation of remote computers
Variable pulse breadth adjustment for DCF77-simulation
Synchronisation with one or several satellites possible
included software:
service programme for the setting of all parameters in the clock board
DOS synchronisation programme
Windows 3.x, 95 synchronisation programme
Included options:
programmable protection mechanism for software producers (Dongle)
software driver for Windows NT