GPS PC-board 6038
version 03.01
page 18
8 Error during the
Reception Process
The reception display in mode 2 of the menu 4 "mode for the data output and DCF77-simulation"
can be used to recognise errors in the reception system.
The display screen: time, date, status information in the service programme, can detect errors in
the reception system.
example 1
After the first installation no satellite appears on display even after several hours.
Possible causes:
the antenna has no sufficient "view" to the horizon
the antenna cable is broken
the antenna cable is not connected
the antenna is broken
the lightning protection is broken
example 2
7 satellites are within the view range, but only up to 2 appear on display.
Possible errors :
the view range of the antenna to the sky is too small.
example 3
9 satellites appear in the view range, 6 are recorded but the system does not synchronise be-
cause the signal/noise ratios are all between 10-25.
Possible causes:
the cable is too long
the BNC connectors are badly assembled
the cable is crimped or bent
the cable has the wrong impedance
example 4
The system has been working faultlessly. Seven satellites appear within the view range but none
are received, the system has not had any reception for several days.
Possible causes:
the cable is damaged
lightning has struck and the lightning protection is damaged
the antenna is damaged
the receiver is broken
the voltage supply has a defect