Output Event Suppression
Event suppression results from automatic panel suppression
as well as programming. Following is a list of factors to keep in
mind during system setup to achieve the desired event
General Considerations for MN and Fire:
• General zones and logic zones are not suppressed by an
MN or Fire event. Output device and zone map
programming determine whether an output will be
suppressed, not the state of the zone.
• A general zone tracks the type of event (i.e. MN or Fire)
that initiates its activation, and its outputs will be
suppressed or resounded
programming. Suppression of outputs activated by general
zones is dependent upon the event type that initiated its
• Each general zone must be dedicated to a single event
type. If a general zone is used for MN, that zone cannot
also be used for fire, security, etc..
• An output device, such as a horn or strobe, can be mapped
to multiple zones. The zones can be general zones, special
function zones, logic zones, or releasing zones. These
zones do not need to be the same event type: for example,
a general zone used for MN and a general zone used for
Fire can be mapped to the same strobe.
• A logic zone does not automatically track the type of event
that initiates its activation. Logic zones must be written to
ensure suppression. See examples below.
• It is crucial that logic zones be written conditionally to
ensure suppression. The following examples illustrate two
ways to achieve suppression using logic equations.
Example 1
Output suppression using Logic Zone Programming and
Special Function Zone ZF20
Logic equation ZL1 = AND(OR(Z10,Z11,Z12),NOT(ZF20)),
mapped to an output that is used for fire and suppressed
during MN.
Z10, Z11, and Z12 are dedicated fire zones. ZF20 is the MN
alarm zone.
If Z10, Z11, or Z12 is active, and ZF20 is not, ZL1 will go
If any MN alarm occurs, ZL1 will go inactive, and any outputs
mapped to it may be suppressed.
Example 2
Output suppression using Logic Zone Programming and MN-
dedicated General Zones
Logic equation ZL2 = AND(OR(Z10,Z11,Z12),NOT(Z2)),
mapped to an output that is used for fire and suppressed
during MN.
Z10, Z11, and Z12 are dedicated fire zones. Z2 is an MN
alarm zone.
If Z10, Z11, or Z12 is active, and Z2 is not, ZL2 will go active.
If Z10, Z11, or Z12, and Z2 are active, ZL2 will go inactive,
and any outputs mapped to it may be suppressed.
• All outputs used for MN must be programmed as non-
silenceable. This includes those outputs that are shared
between MN and other events, such as Fire.
• Dedicated Fire outputs can be programmed as silenceable
or non-silenceable.
• All silenceable outputs will be suppressed at the start of an
MN event.*
• All devices programmed with strobe Type IDs, as well as all
intelligent sounder bases, will be suppressed regardless of
silenceable programming at the start of an MN event.*
*Zone map programming will then be re-evaluated,
and if a device contains ZF20, or any general zone
dedicated to MN that is active, in its zone map, it will
be re-activated.
• An output programmed with a releasing Type ID, or
programmed with an active releasing zone in its zone map,
will not be suppressed.
• Fire sequences playing on a DAL (digital audio loop) will be
silenced, and the XLS-DVC will sound the MN Active Tone
while fire is suppressed.
• Fire sequences on an XLS-DVC will not sound, and the
XLS-DVC will sound the MN Active Tone while fire is
Drill and custom drill operation is blocked while fire activations
are suppressed. This prevents activation of fire outputs while a
Mass Notification is in progress.
When an MN alarm is cleared, suppressed outputs will
reactivate, even if they were silenced prior to being
• It is crucial that logic zones be written conditionally to
ensure suppression.
Example 1
Output suppression using Logic Zone Programming and
Special Function Zone ZF20
Logic equation ZL1 = AND(ZF20,NOT(OR(Z1,Z2,Z3))),
mapped to an output that is used for both fire and MN.
Z1, Z2, and Z3 are dedicated fire zones. ZF20 is the MN
alarm zone.
If ZF20 is active, an Z1, Z2, or Z3 are not, ZL1 will go
If Z1, Z2, or Z3 subsequently goes active, ZL1 will go
inactive, and any outputs mapped to it may be suppressed.
Example 2
Output suppression using Logic Zone Programming and
Fire-dedicated General Zones.
Logic equation ZL2 = AND(Z11,NOT(OR(Z1,Z2,Z3))). Z1,
Z2, and Z3 are dedicated fire zones.
Z11 is an MN alarm zone.
If Z11 is active, and Z1, Z2, or Z3 are not, ZL2 will go
If Z1, Z2, or Z3 subsequently go active, ZL2 will go inactive,
and any outputs mapped to it may be suppressed.