Mass Notification Control Settings for the
In the General III tab of the XLS-DVC System Programming
Service in VeriFire Tools:
When the MN Mode is set to any setting other than "None",
the Associated Node Number box appears in the Mass
Notification Control Settings section.
Enter the node number of the XLS-NCA2 or XLS3000 that is
associated with the XLS-DVC. Enter 0 (zero) if the XLS-DVC
is acting as a subsidiary device (i.e., it is not part of an ACU,
LOC or CCS).
Fig. 15. XLS-DVC MN Mode Setting
In the General II tab of the XLS-DVC System Programming
Service in VeriFire Tools:
Select all the node addresses connected on the loop along
with the FNA3 Gateway Address.
Fig. 16. XLS-DVC General II Tab
Set the Priority
NOTE: Program all panels, XLS-DVCs, network annunci-
ators and workstations in a system with the same
priority settings. The established priorities must
be consistent throughout a system.
This field allows the programmer to define the panel's relative
fire and MN priority. The priority may be set at the panel (See
Fig. 17) or in VeriFire Tools. (See Fig. 18).
: Navigate through the PanelSettings menu, pressing
the "More" softkey until "MN PRIORITY
appears. Press the softkey next to this selection until the
appropriate setting appears, then press "ACCEPT".
• YES: MN is the highest priority.
• NO: Fire is the highest priority.
• MNS NOT USED: The system is for fire protection only.
Fig. 17. Priority Setting - Panel
VeriFire Tools
: Select the applicable priority from the pull-
down menu.
• Mass Notification not used (Default)
• Mass Notification is a higher priority than Fire
• Fire is a higher priority than Mass Notification
Fig. 18. Priority Setting - VeriFire Tools
This field allows the programmer to define the panel's fire and
MN priority. In the XLS140-2 or XLS120 System Programming
Service of VeriFire Tools, select the General II screen.
Select the appropriate setting from the pull-down menu for
the "Mass Notification Priority" field.