lines will show MN default input priorities. Assign the MN
category to mass notification inputs, the Fire category to fire
inputs, the MN Active Tone category to the MN Active Tone
input, and the General category to inputs that are MN, Fire, or
MN Active Tone.
Assign categories to all Inputs as appropriate. If MN is the
highest priority in the system, select the MN category for all
Level 1 Inputs and the Fire category for all Level 2 Inputs.
If Fire is the highest priority in the system, select the Fire
category for all Level 1 Inputs and the MN category for all
Level 2 Inputs.
Assign the MN Active Tone category to the MN Active Tone
input. If a Fire Active Tone input is required, assign it to the
Fire category.
Fig. 21. XLS-DVC Input Priority and Category Settings
The priority for input sources can be modified from the default
priority. The priority of the inputs should be modified to group
inputs of similar categories together. That is, in a system that
has prioritized MN events over fire, all inputs associated with
MN should be assigned to the "MN" category and re-
prioritized to be higher than fire inputs. "Fire" category inputs
should be prioritized above "General" category inputs. Fig. 26
illustrates inputs grouped and prioritized by category.
The priority of the input is also used to prioritize network
audio. In a system that utilizes multiple XLS-DVCs, the default
configuration assigns priority to the local microphone input
over the microphone input from a network source. To prioritize
a network XLS-DVC over the local XLS-DVC, reassign the
priority for the Network Paging rows to a lower number (and
therefore a higher priority) than that of the Local Paging rows.
In systems that implement multiple network audio sources, the
priority of the network sources will be determined by the
priority assigned to the active input on the network source. For
example, an XLS-DVC that is sending an ACU Local Paging
Level 1 of priority 1 to a network XLS-DVC will take priority
over an XLS-DVC that is sending an ACU Local Paging level 2
of priority 7 to the same XLS-DVC. In the event of the priority
levels being identical for multiple network audio sources, the
first source to activate will be granted priority.
MN Mapping
MN Mapping determines if a ZF20 MN alarm will suppress fire
events at the panel if there is an active MN alarm at another
node and MN is the highest priority.
MN network mapping may be done at the panel or in VeriFire
VeriFire Tools
: In the network mapping tab of VeriFire Tools,
select the nodes in the Mass Notification column that the
panel will monitor for MN alarm messages in order to sup-
press fire.
Fig. 22. MN Mapping, XLS3000
: Navigate to the Panel Program Menu 1 screen. Press
the soft key next to NETWORK MAPPING to bring up the
screen shown in Fig. 23. The panel will monitor the nodes
mapped here for MN alarm messages in order to suppress
Fig. 23. Network Mapping Screen, XLS3000
XLS-NCA2 Network event mapping defines its MN mapping.
There is no unique MN mapping for the XLS-NCA2.
MN network mapping allows the programmer to select the
XLS-NET nodes from which the XLS140-2 or X L S 1 2 0 will
accept an MN alarm message to initiate fire suppression.