Microphone Activations for MN
MN Microphone activations are initiated at ACU, LOC and
CCS stations. Programming determines which button is
assigned to mass notification.
MN ALL CALL paging is activated by pressing one of the top
two paging buttons in the second column of DVC-KD buttons,
then using the microphone to page. Programming determines
which button it is. MN paging will be the top button if MN is
programmed as the highest priority in the system. It will be the
second paging button down if Fire is programmed as the
highest priority in the system. (Fire paging will be the top
button.) MN paging activates an MN alarm.
MN paging is activated by clicking the MNS ALL CALL or MNS
group button for the desired MN paging group. Refer to
installation instructions 95-8548 for EBI MN paging operation.
The MN paging activates an MN alarm.
DVC-KD Activations
The buttons in the two right columns of a DVC-KD, can be
programmed to initiate MN alarms for vectored paging or for
"PROGRAMMING” on page 11, and to the XLS-DVC manual
for more information.
Strobes and Horns
Notification Appliance Circuits (NACs) for driving strobes and
horns can be shared between fire and mass notification, or
they can be dedicated to a single application. When
dedicated, releasing zone operation will not be affected by the
state of MN in the system. For fire and MN, only the highest
priority active event will cause activations.
Strobe circuits that are associated with MN or an MN/Fire
combination must be programmed as non-silenceable.
All speakers on a DAL (Digital Audio Loop) will play live and
pre-recorded MN messages according to their programming.
They can be shared between fire, mass notification, and
releasing applications.
NOTE: Software Downloads
In order to supply the latest features and functionality
in fire alarm and life safety technology to our custom-
ers, we make frequent upgrades to the embedded
software in our products. To ensure that you are
installing and programming the latest features, we
strongly recommend that you download the most
current version of software for each product prior to
commissioning any system. Contact Technical
Support with any questions about software and the
appropriate version for a specific application.
When a system is configured for both fire and MN protection,
programming determines which events always have the
highest priority - MN or fire. If MN is programmed as the
highest priority at the fire panels and network annunciators,
fire events are suppressed when MN alarms are active. For
the XLS-DVC, PAM programming for the MN Active Tone will
suppress the activation of fire sequences and pages.
Special Function Zones and Type Codes separate MN alarm,
supervisory and trouble messages from fire messages, so
that each can be correctly prioritized and displayed by the
system. Mapping links nodes that will communicate with each
other regarding MN events.
This chapter describes the special MN programming (needed
in addition to fire programming) for the XLS system. Refer to
installation instruction 95-8548 for programming and
configuring the EBI.
NOTE: Program all panels, XLS-DVCs, network annunci-
ators and workstations in a system with the same
mass notification priority settings. The estab-
lished priorities must be consistent throughout a
NOTE: All fire panel and display nodes must be pro-
grammed with DCC disabled. XLS-DVC nodes
must be programmed as described in this chap-
Programming Steps
This section lists the MN programming steps required, and
provides reference to the appropriate programming, detailed
in "PROGRAMMING” on page 11, for each station, panel, or
network annunciator. These steps must be followed if the
system is set up for MN and fire, or MN only.
Refer also "Output Event Suppression” on page 29. This
section presents basic principles for suppression
An ACU is comprised of an XLS3000 and an XLS-DVC, or an
XLS-NCA2 and an XLS-DVC.
E a c h X L S - N E T m u s t h a v e a t l e a s t o n e
A C U .
Table 3. ACU Programming Steps
ACU Programming Steps
Refer to
Set the mass notification
Set the DCC field.
Map to MN nodes. (Include the
FNA node in the map).