Rev. 1.00
August 29, 2018
Rev. 1.00
August 29, 2018
AC Voltage Regulator Flash MCU
AC Voltage Regulator Flash MCU
A/D Converter Interrupt
An A/D Converter Interrupt request will take place when the A/D Converter Interrupt request flag,
ADF, is set, which occurs when the A/D conversion process finishes. To allow the program to branch
to its respective interrupt vector address, the global interrupt enable bit, EMI, and A/D Interrupt
enable bit, ADE, must first be set. When the interrupt is enabled, the stack is not full and the A/D
conversion process has ended, a subroutine call to the A/D Interrupt vector, will take place. When
the A/D Converter Interrupt is serviced, the A/D Interrupt flag, ADF, will be automatically cleared.
The EMI bit will also be automatically cleared to disable other interrupts.
EEPROM Interrupt
An EEPROM Interrupt request will take place when the EEPROM Interrupt request flag, DEF, is set,
which occurs when an EEPROM Write cycle ends. To allow the program to branch to its respective
interrupt vector address, the global interrupt enable bit, EMI, and EEPROM Interrupt enable bit,
DEE, must first be set. When the interrupt is enabled, the stack is not full and an EEPROM Write
cycle ends, a subroutine call to the EEPROM Interrupt vector will take place. When the EEPROM
Interface Interrupt is serviced, the interrupt request flag, DEF, will be automatically reset and the
EMI bit will be cleared to disable other interrupts.
LVD Interrupt
An LVD Interrupt request will take place when the LVD Interrupt request flag, LVF, is set, which
occurs when the Low Voltage Detector function detects a low power supply voltage. To allow the
program to branch to its respective interrupt vector address, the global interrupt enable bit, EMI,
and Low Voltage Interrupt enable bit, LVE, must first be set. When the interrupt is enabled, the stack
is not full and a low voltage condition occurs, a subroutine call to the LVD Interrupt vector, will
take place. When the LVD Interface Interrupt is serviced, the interrupt request flag, LVF, will be
automatically reset and the EMI bit will be cleared to disable other interrupts.
TM Interrupt
The Compact Type TM each have two interrupts, one comes from the comparator A match situation
and the other comes from the comparator P match situation. All of the TM interrupts are contained
within the Multi-function Interrupts. There are two interrupt request flags and two enable control
bits for each TM. A TM interrupt request will take place when any of the TM request flags are set, a
situation which occurs when a TM comparator P or A match situation happens.
To allow the program to branch to its respective interrupt vector address, the global interrupt enable
bit, EMI, respective TM Interrupt enable bit, and relevant Multi-function Interrupt enable bit, MFnE,
must first be set. When the interrupt is enabled, the stack is not full and a TM comparator match
situation occurs, a subroutine call to the relevant Multi-function Interrupt vector locations, will take
place. When the TM interrupt is serviced, the EMI bit will be automatically cleared to disable other
interrupts, however only the related MFnF flag will be automatically cleared. As the TM interrupt
request flags will not be automatically cleared, they have to be cleared by the application program.