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Response Gain
plane in the vertical direction. If the gain is too low, the plane will lean sideways while hovering. In order to get firmly
hovering, you can simply set the hover gain to maximum.
The response gain is used to adjust the control behavior of the gyro. It determines how sensitive the A3S3 will react to stick
inputs for aileron, elevator and rudder. Unlike the EXP settings, it works by changing the gain dynamically according to the
position of the sticks. As a result of increasing the response gain, the plane will become more responsive. Please note that
the response setting will only affect the behavior of the plane when you moving the sticks. It doesn’t do anything while the
sticks are released.
Blue, Flashing
Power-on initialization and self-test
Solid Red
Gyro-Off Mode
Solid Blue
Normal Mode
Blue, Flashing
Atti-Lock Mode
Solid Violet
Trainer Mode
Violet, Flashing
Auto-Level Mode
Violet, Fast Flashing
Auto-Hover Mode
Red, Slow Flashing
TX signal lost. Check the connection to the receiver
Red, Fast Flashing
Gyroscope sensor error
Blue, Fast Flashing
Calibrating or testing
Please download the A3S3 Config Utility and the USB driver installer from our website
Run the setup and follow the instructions to complete the installation. You will then get an icon on your desktop,
as shown to the right.
The utility supports Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 (32 or 64 bit).
If the installation fails, please install Microsoft .NET Framework 4 first. The framework installer can be obtained
from our website or microsoft.com.
Don’t forget to install the USB driver (CP210x_VCP) before operating the config software.