Fig. 5
4. Fitting the main post
Once the bottom post cover is fitted,remove the screws(20)
and washers(24) and (25) from the bottom of the main
post(8).Bring the main post(8) up to boss on the main
body(35),Fig.5.Plug connector(36),coming out of the main
post(8),into connector(37),coming out of the boss on the main
body(35) FIG.5.
Slip the main post(8) over the boss (40) on the main body in
the direction of the arrow,FIG.5. ,making sure not to snag any
of the cables .
Fitting the feet
Take the left foot (84),insert tube(60) and align the
holes on the two tubes on the inside of tube(27) in the
direction of the arrow,Fig.6.
Next ,take the knob (64) and screw it clockwise onto
tube(27) FIG.6A .
Then take the right foot(81) and insert the tube into
tube(28) in the direction of the arrow,Fig.6.
Next,take the knob(64) and by aligning the holes on
the two tubes screw it clockwise onto tube(28) FIG.6A .
6. Focus bar setting
To adjust the angle of the feet for doing exercise and
the length of the focus bar swing,turn knob(64)
anticlockwise to loosen it slightly, hold the foot and pull the knob outward Fig.6A .
Sliding tube(60) into tube(27) will reduce the length of focus bar swing and pulling the tube(60) out will increase
the length of the swing Fig.6A.
7. Fitting the upper focus bars
Take the top le
ft barĚřěĚmarked with the letter “L”ě
Insert the top bar onto the bottom left focus bar(27),lining up
the letters(L),Fig.7,fit the screws(18),the cap nuts(19) and
tighten securely .Now go through the same procedure for the
top right focus bar (14) .
8. Fitting the focus bar side covers
Take the covers(16 and 17),marked on the inside with the
letter”R”,and position them at the spindle end with the bars on
the right hand side ,as shown in Fig.7. .Now use screws and
(61) to attach them .
Carry out the same procedure at the other end of the bar
using the covers(16 and 17) marked on the inside with letter