DS-720xHTI-Kx DVR User Manual
UM DS-720xHTI-Kx 012918NA
Frame Rate:
Set the recording frame rate.
When an 8 MP signal input is connected, the main stream frame rate cannot exceed 12 fps.
The minimum frame rate for the main stream is 1 fps.
If you set different frame rates for continuous and event recording, when you click
to save the
settings, the following note pops up:
Figure 5-4
Note for Different Frame Rates
Max. Bitrate Mode:
Set the mode to General or Custom.
Max Bitrate (Kbps):
Select or customize the maximum bit rate for recording.
Max. Bitrate Range Recommended:
A recommended max. bit rate range is provided for
Max. Average Bitrate (Kbps):
Set the maximum average bit rate which refers to the average
amount of data transferred per unit of time.
Video Encoding:
Configure H.264 or H.265 for IP and analog camera main stream (continuous).
If the connected IP camera does not support H.265, only H.264 can be selected for the main stream
Check the
Enable H.264+
Enable H.265+
checkbox to enable the function. Enabling it helps to
ensure the high video quality with a lowered bitrate.
After enabling H.264+ or H.265+, the Bitrate Type, Video Quality, Max. Bitrate Mode, Max. Bitrate (Kbps)
and Max. Bitrate Range Recommend are not configurable.
If H.265+ is enabled, line crossing detection and region entrance detection are not supported.
For the connnected IP camera, the H.264+ or H.265+ should be supported by the camera and added to
the DVR with the HIKVISION protocol.
Reboot the device to activate the new settings after enabling H.264+ or H.265+.
More Settings
to configure additional parameters.