Instruction Manual
NOTE: Live-Users indicates the number of users who are licensed to view Vision2 live channels using the Live Channels > View page.
Adding a License to a Vision2 Server
To add a license to a server, click on the row for the license in the System License table and drag and drop the license onto the
Server (FIG. 40). Licenses are ordered by type on the server. Click the arrow to the left of the license name to view all the licenses of
this type.
The status of each service is indicated by a coloured circle:
Red indicates the service is disabled.
Green indicates it is enabled.
NOTE: Double click a service e.g. MPEG Recorder 1 to jump to the configuration page for that service.
Removing a License from a Vision2 Server
To remove a license from a server expand the arrow to the left of the service type (e.g. v2Record) to reveal all the licenses of that
type on the server. Select the license to remove and drag it to the trashcan. A service that is enabled cannot be removed. Double-
click the service to go to the configuration page and Disable it prior to removal.
NOTE: After removing one or more licenses from a server, reboot the server.
If removing an Archive license, access to the contents of that Archive will be lost.
License Rules Engine
operates a rules engine which limits the number of licenses of each type that can be had per server to avoid performance
System Limits
A maximum of 10 Record services can be had per Archive service in your Vision
system. For example if you have two
Archives services you can have a maximum of 20 Record Services in your system.
A maximum of 10 Producer services can be had per Archive service on the Vision
Rules for V2-Master-XXXX Servers
This is the only server type which supports Archive services.
The server can support a maximum of 300Mbits/s VOD bandwidth.
The FG3106-03 and FG3106-03K are limited to 20 simultaneous VoD accesses.
Producer/Record services cannot be added to the server unless there is at least one archive in the system.
More VOD Bandwidth cannot be added to a server unless there is at least one archive on the server.
There area number of other rules depending on how much VOD Bandwidth is allocated to the V2-Master-XXXX Server.
Less than or equal to 50MBits of VOD Bandwidth
A maximum of 50 Max CSE Encoders and 19 other services with the following limitations:
The server can have no more than 10 Reflector services.
The server can have no more than 10 Record services.
The server can have no more than 10 Producer services.
A maximum of 6 Archive services
System Licenses Table Columns
License name
Total number of licenses of this type - this is determined by your AMX license
Number of licenses allocated to Vision
Number of licenses of this type still available to allocate to Vision2 servers
FIG. 40
Adding a license to a server - drop the new license on to the Server
Click arrow to expand
and view list of
licenses of this type
Number of licenses
of this type
Service disabled
Service enabled