Four post lift
Happ25 4 post hoist
Version 7.0
©HAPP Australia Pty Ltd
Page 3
Final notes on the HAPP 25 --- Read Me---
Column location
Do not pre drill holes for this hoist, setup the hoist as instructed and drill the holes based on
the columns being in the exact location that enables cross beams to raise and lower freely.
Anchor bolt selection
he HAPP 25 can be moved, this hoist is shipped with anchor bolts to fix the hoist in position.
Customers can purchase Loxon bolts from HAPP or other suppliers to present a flat surface to
the hoist legs. This makes it easier to move the hoist.
A separate document with pictures describing the installation of the hoist should be reviewed
before installing. Generally extend hydraulic cylinder before laying it on cross beams that
have the columns fitted and crossbeam blocked to a height of approx. 300mm
Safety mechanism
Make sure the two levers located at each end of the hoist are aligned (e.g: both at 2pm….)
This makes the safety mechanism easier to tune later on.
Extra strap under main runway
In some HAPP 25’s an extra strap is in place under the main runway, if the cable connection
plate on the hydraulic ram extends at an angle it can catch this plate. It is acceptable to
remove this strap or modify it ensure the plate clears.
Raincoat studs
There are some mushroom shaped studs on the edge of the runway, we have never supplied
the ‘raincoat’ that is available to be hung of these mounts. Sometimes these studs are broken
in transport. If you see these studs they can be removed as they serve no purpose. Or if there
are damage studs, they can be safely removed also.
Pump Assembly
Read the notes in this manual on pump assembly connection, it describes mains power and
limit switch connections
Cable adjustment
Make sure you have even lifting on all four cables, small differences in adjustment may cause
the plate connecting cables to cylinder rod to not be horizontal. Check this plate when
adjusting the cables.
Safety first - ALWAYS
You are responsible for installation, maintenance and safe operation of the hoist and any
workplace health and safety obligations. Make sure you follow all safety tips in this manual
and from referenced sources with particular focus on:
Keep clear of the hoist and vehicle when raising and lowering.
Hydraulics are for lifting / lowering only, never work on a raised vehicle unless all
safety latches are engaged
Ensure you have a regular maintenance program in place.
Ensure you check and maintain all lift components and understand operating
procedures before operation.
Ensure operators read this manual before operation and review it on a regular basis.