Four post parking lift Happ25 4 post hoist
If the fitting on the runway (shown below) has not been installed yet, just connect outside of
the runway and fit it later when the hoist is raised
and sitting firmly on safety latches.
If you
do this be careful not to squash the line when lowering the runways.
Figure: connection of hose to pump assembly
The following step is to be performed by a licensed electrician.
If the limit switch is not required terminate the connection and move it inside the
control box cover.
Leaving the connection open circuit will stop the pump from
Wire the line into a 15 amp circuit. If a 3 phase pump has been used wire into the 3
phase circuit.
Using a small funnel ( auto transmission fill funnel), fill the oil tank with 10 L or ISO 46 grade
hydraulic oil. Make sure you use a brand name oil and that the oil is transparent. Hydraulic oil
is hydroscopic and will absorb water easily.
Note: The smallest amount of water in the closed systems will cause the cylinder to rust.
Securing with anchor bolts
Column alignment.
Ensure the hoist is in the correct position and that the columns are vertical +/- 1 degree in
both length and width directions. The columns should be parallel to each other at each end to
ensure even lifting. During this stage you can adjust the column vertical positioning with
shims under the base plate. These location of the columns needs to be verified before drilling
holes, the column vertical alignment can be performed after this step.
Measure the outside of the anchor bolts to confirm the size, typically HAPP 25 hoists are
supplied with either M20 Anchor bolts that require a 20mm hole or M18 Loxon bolts which
require a 24mm hole.
If you have one type of bolt and wish to switch to the other style HAPP will exchange this at
the cost of shipping. Also longer, bolts and 18 / 19 mmm tru bolts are available for exchange
also if required.
Anchor bolts work best with a tight fitment, it is suggested that you drill a test hole and confirm
the bolts will be installed with a firm hit and not drop in to the hole.
With the loxon bolts the hole positions are marked and a small shallow pilot hole (approx.
25mm deep) is created with masonry bit that will fit through the baseplate hole (20mm) after
which the hoist is moved and the larger 24 mm bit is used to complete the hole. Be careful to
ensure the hole matches the baseplate hole, if the hole is not in the correct location the
baseplate bolts will not fit unless the baseplate is modified.
With the anchor bolts the hole is drilled directly through the baseplate hole. The anchor bolt is
tapped with the washer and nut installed and should tighten up quickly if the hole is the
correct size.
The anchor bolts should all be tightened with a large ¾ inch drive socket wrench or