MilkyWay Handbook • Version 3 - 20140616 © Handicare AB
3.6.1 Changing rail exit direction
3: Basic rail systems / 22
The turntables have 13 possible exit directions spread evenly around 270 degrees in steps of 22.5 degrees.
Depending on how the turntable is installed, however, it is possible to achieve exits in all directions.
Upon delivery, the turntable is assembled with 4 exits with 90 degrees between each, see picture 3.6.3: Parts list
and function.
If other exit directions are desired, the endstop for the new direction must be removed and the undesired directions
must be blocked with endstops. The joint plates must also be positioned at the new openings. An assembly for 45
degree exit solutions (without plastic casing) is shown in the below picture.
Note that for this setup all the plastic casing brackets must be moved one step in the outer hole circle since they utilize
the same holes as the joint screws.
After this, the two endstop screws which are mounted on top of the turn plate must be positioned correctly in
relation to the exit directions. These two screws function as stops for the rotation of the rail and are, upon delivery,
positioned for 90 degree exits. For other directions, these must be positioned in the correct holes to enable the
rotating rails to stop in the correct directions.
Note that it may be necessary to remove the endstop screws mounted from the bottom of the turntable in order to
be able to do this. The correct assembly for 90 degree exits and for 45 degree exits are shown on the next page.