5-Point Seat Belt ....................... 24
Age Restrictions........................ 12
Air Filter................................... 61
Air Filter / Air Box....................... 78
Auxiliary Outlet.......................... 27
Battery .................................... 72
Charging .............................. 74
Battery Installation ..................... 73
Battery Maintenance .................. 79
Battery Removal........................ 73
Battery Storage......................... 74
Boots ...................................... 11
Brake Fluid............................... 65
Brake Inspection ....................... 64
Brake Pedal ............................. 28
Brake System Break-in ............... 32
Brakes .................................... 64
Braking ................................... 35
Carburetor Jetting Chart.............. 85
Carrying a Passenger................. 14
Carrying Multiple Passengers....... 14
Chrome Wheel Care .................. 77
Clothing................................... 11
Component Locations................. 23
Constant Variable
Transmission (CVT) System ....... 60
Crankcase Emission Control
System .................................. 43
Crossing Hillsides...................... 15
CVT Break-in (Clutches / Belt)...... 32
CVT Drying .............................. 60
Drive Belt Wear / Burn ................ 87
Drive Chain Lubrication............... 54
Drive Chain Slack Adjustment ...... 54
Driver’s Seat Adjustment............. 24
Driving Downhill ........................ 39
Driving Downhill Improperly ......... 16
Driving in Reverse ..................... 40
Driving on a Sidehill (Sidehilling) ... 39
Driving on Slippery Surfaces ........ 38
Driving Over Obstacles ............... 41
Driving Through Water................ 40
Driving Uphill ............................ 38
Driving with a Passenger............. 36
Engine and Drivetrain Break-in ..... 31
Engine Backfires ....................... 88
Engine Doesn’t Turn Over ........... 87
Engine Oil ................................ 78
Engine Runs Irregularly, Stalls
or Misfires .............................. 89
Engine Stop Switch (LE Models
Only) ..................................... 26
Engine Stops or Loses Power ...... 90
Engine Turns Over, Fails to Start... 88
Equipment Modifications ...............9
Exhaust Valve Clearance
Adjustment ............................. 59
Exported Products ..................... 95
Exposure to Exhaust .................. 19
Eye Protection .......................... 11
Failure to Inspect Before
Operating ............................... 13
Fluid Change ............................ 53
Fluid Check .............................. 53
Fluid Levels.............................. 78
Fog the Engine ......................... 79
Front Wheel Hub Tightening ........ 68
Fuel Cap.................................. 29
Fuel Filter ................................ 51