Operation Manual – HWPing
H3C S5600 Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 1 HWPing Configuration
1.3.3 FTP Test
I. Network requirements
Both the HWPing client and the FTP server are H3C S5600 series Ethernet switches.
Perform a HWPing FTP test between the two switches to test the connectivity to the
specified FTP server and the time required to upload a file to the server after the
connection is established. Both the username and password used to log in to the FTP
server are
. The file to be uploaded to the server is cmdtree.txt.
II. Network diagram
Figure 1-4
Network diagram for the FTP test
III. Configuration procedure
Configure FTP Server (Switch B):
Configure FTP server on Switch B. For specific configuration of FTP server, refer to the
FTP-SFTP-TFTP part of the manual.
Configure HWPing Client (Switch A):
# Enable the HWPing client.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] hwping-agent enable
# Create a HWPing test group, setting the administrator name to
test tag to
[Sysname] hwping administrator ftp
# Configure the test type as
[Sysname-hwping-administrator-ftp] test-type ftp
# Configure the IP address of the FTP server as
[Sysname-hwping-administrator-ftp] destination-ip
# Configure the FTP login username.
[Sysname-hwping-administrator-ftp] username admin
# Configure the FTP login password.
[Sysname-hwping-administrator-ftp] password admin
# Configure the type of FTP operation.