file: n:\article\cos14310m5-v1_07hpc-en\20130207_cos14310m5-v1.07hpc-en_h-p-cosmos_treadmill_manual.doc
© 2013 h/p/cosmos sports & medical gmbh author: fh [email protected] created 07.02.2013 printed 04.03.2013 page: 76 of 197
OP44 Locking and unlocking the test
OFF = test mode is locked / not accessible
1 ... 94 = test mode is unlocked / accessible up to the selected test
profile number standard: 24
selected test number = 5: The test profiles 1-5 can be selected, the test
profiles 6 – 94 cannot be selected
Report mode display “Index“
0 = Display alternates (default)
1 = Display permanently in MET
2 = Display permanently in KJ
3 = Display permanently in Watt
After total switch off the default value 0 will be valid again.
Report mode display “Elevation“
in profile mode and test
0 = Display alternates (default)
1 = Display permanently in % or degree (°), depending on OP14
2 = Display permanently in “Step“
After total switch off the default value 0 will be valid again.
Sustain values in display resp.
automatic “Reset“
OFF = Display values are deleted after pressing START again or
automatically after 2 minutes after having pressed STOP (Default)
ON = Display values will be continued (added) after pressing START
again and will not be automatically deleted by pressing STOP.
Display values can only be deleted by pressing the STOP key twice
(time, distance, energy).
Countdown of program step
OFF = The time display counts up each program step
ON = The time display counts down each program step
Output interval for printer protocol By entering a value between 0 and 100, the output interval is set in
seconds for a printer directly connected to the treadmill. Standard: 60 (=
printout of all values once a minute). The value 0 disables printing of
single values, but not printing of headers and end results (UKK).
Language settings for printer
Select the language for printouts on a printer directly connected to the
treadmill. One of six languages can be chosen. Both, the protocol
printout and the test result and training recommendation of the UKK 2
km walking test are printed in the selected language.
EnGL = English (standard)
SPAn = Spanish
GErM = German
POrt = Portuguese
FrEn = French
HUnG = Hungarian
For correct printout, the connected printer must be compatible with PCL
printer language. For special characters the ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) font is