In ABLB (Alternate Binaural Loudness Balance) test, the tone is presented
alternately between the two ears. The level of the tone stays the same in one ear
(i.e. fixed ear) and is varied up / down in the other ear (i.e. variable ear).
The top section ABLB test display has common elements found on the
previously described screens. The Navigation Menu has a single option for the
dB Step in addition to the comment icon. Test results should be noted in the
Test Procedure- Alternate Binaural Loudness Balance (ABLB) or Fowler Test
The perceived growth of loudness of a supra-threshold tone in an impaired ear
may differ from the compared growth of loudness of a tone of identical
frequency in the normal ear. Recruitment, if present, may be found.
Determine the threshold level for each ear at all frequencies being tested.