Repeat the sections on Patient Familiarization and Threshold
Determination for each tone setting in the following order: 1,000 Hz,
2,000 Hz, 4,000 Hz, 8,000 Hz. Retest 1,000 Hz followed by 500 Hz and
250 Hz. If there is a difference of 20 dB or greater between octaves, test
the inter-octave frequencies, i.e. 750 Hz, 1,500 Hz, 3,000 Hz, and 6,000
Hz. Record these settings by pressing the Store pushbutton with each
threshold level.
Repeat this procedure with the other ear.
Determine if masking should be used. If necessary, repeat the testing
with masking and again record the testing process.
Spondaic Speech Testing, Speech Reception Threshold (SRT)
Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) refer to the hearing level at which a
patient can repeat 50% of the presented words correctly. Use the following
instructions to prepare the patient:
“You will now hear some two syllable words such as hotdog, ice-cream,
baseball, mushroom or toothbrush. Some of the words will be loud enough to
hear easily but others will be softer and more difficult to understand. Repeat the
words until you can no longer hearing them. It is okay to guess.”
It is appropriate to familiarize the patient with the entire spondee word
Using live voice or recorded speech (internal .Wav files or external file
played through a digital device), present the standardized spondee word
lists, testing the better ear first. Start 20 dB above the 1,000 Hz pure tone
threshold level. Present one word on the list and, if the response is
correct, lower the level by 10 dB. Continue to decrease the level until the
patient can no longer repeat the word. Increase the level 5 dB and present
another word. Continue in the down 10 dB, up 5 dB method until the
patient responds correctly to 50 % of the words presented.
Word Recognition (PB Words)
Instruct the patient that he or she is to repeat the words presented.
Using live voice or recorded speech (internal .Wav files or external file
played through a digital device), present the selected standardized PB
word list. Present the words at a level comfortable to the patient; at least
30 dB and generally 35 to 50 dB above the 1,000 Hz pure tone threshold.
Using the scorer buttons on the front panel, press the “Correct” button
each time the right response is given and the “Incorrect” button each time
a wrong response is given.
The Word Recognition Score is the percentage of words repeated correctly:
Word Recognition % at HL = 100 x Number of Correct Responses/Number of