GSI Instrument Services folder that was included in the original shipment of the
Pello or contact your GSI representative.
Data Port (Direct)
The Data Port provides backwards compatibility with the GSI 61 (serial) data
stream. This will require the selection of an available COM port. Using the Data
Port interface makes it possible to transfer audiometric data from the Pello
directly into existing Electronic Medical Record solutions. Independent software
programming engineers may implement the data stream protocol provided by
GSI into their proprietary software in order to manage patient data directly. The
direct transfer of data gives the physician immediate access to the audiometric
data in the electronic record. More information may be found on the Software
and Manuals USB flash drive in the GSI Instrument Services folder that was
included in the original shipment of the Pello or contact your GSI representative.
GSI Suite
GSI Suite Audiometric Data Management software (Rev. 2.4.x and higher) is
compatible with the GSI Pello as well as legacy products. GSI Suite imports,
saves, and stores audiometric data from the Pello and allows the addition of
comments into a report. The report data is saved in a PDF or other format that
may be saved to the local PC, a remote location or attached with electronic
medical data records (EMR). GSI Suite may be used as a stand-alone software
solution or in combination with Noah 4 or OtoAccess.
OtoAccess is a SQL database that is used to network multiple audiometric
systems, creating one master database. The robust database provides security and
detailed patient search function for intuitive patient review. When combined, GSI
Suite and OtoAccess increase the efficiency of the contemporary audiology
Noah 4
GSI Suite may be installed in Noah 4 as a measurement module providing
seamless integration between the audiometric evaluation and the hearing
instrument fitting. Noah 4 may be installed as stand-alone software or on a
network. Data transfer and storage utilizes the Noah database for data
AudBase software saves audiometric data from the Pello and other legacy GSI
products into multiple report formats (single page, tabular and graphic, as well as
sequential test results and custom options). Multiple data formats – PDF, TIF,
GIF, JPEG, etc. – are available for compatibility with EMR/EHR systems.
Patient data is maintained via a 4D database.
It may be necessary to also install GSI Instrument Services.