The CAUTION label identifies conditions or practices that could result in
damage to the equipment.
Notes help identify areas of possible confusion and avoid potential
problems during system operation.
Status/Error Messages
Please try another selection:
Indicates an incorrect selection. This could include
actions such as incompatible transducers, incompatible routing, or no calibration
data stored for the selected transducers.
No test data stored:
Indicates that there is no test data available to be erased,
printed or transferred.
Printer communication error:
If communication problems occur during the
course of printing, this error message will be displayed.
If there are general system errors, a dialog box with “Error” in the title
will be shown with the given error.
Record test result in comments:
Test results of the ABLB and Tone Decay are
not recorded directly on the report. This message indicates that the results should
be documented in the comments.
The startup configuration for this test type is not fully calibrated; a search
for a different configuration that is calibrated has found the currently
displayed configuration:
This message indicates that the selected transducers
have not been calibrated.
The session comments have been updated with the results of the SDT test:
This message indicates that the stored speech detection threshold results will
appear in the comments section and will be printed directly or transferred
Not supported in speech:
The selected action is not supported in the speech test
Speech data limit exceeded, speech tables limited to 6 test results per ear.
Latest test result will not be saved:
Up to six speech tests may be stored in each
ear. This message indicates that the maximum number of tests has been stored
and the latest test has not been added.