The favorite’s list selection at the top of the word list dialog refers to a favorites
list per test type that may be set up using the Config App. When the test type is
selected, the first wordlist in the favorite’s list will automatically appear in the
test screen.
Word Nav
When selected, the following sub menus appear:
The Manual option moves the cursor control to the word lists and
allows the operator to use the navigation buttons to scroll to specific
words in the internal word lists. To return to the Navigation Menu,
deselect Word Nav (by pressing the select key of the navigation
The Auto Advance check box determines the scoring behavior that is
set up in the Config App. The Auto Advance moves to the next
word in the list after a score key (Correct/Incorrect) is pressed.
The Auto Advance Word List functions are used in conjunction with
Word List Favorites as designated using the Config App. For each
Test Type, when multiple favorite word lists are designated, storing a
test result will automatically advance to the next word list in
In Manual mode, highlight the desired word and press the presentation
bar to present the word. When the word is presented, it will be highlighted
yellow. When the yellow highlight disappears, score the word and move to the
next test word using the navigation keys.
: When scoring phonemes (CVC, etc.) or words in a sentence, it is
necessary to deselect the Auto Advance option to ensure that multiple “scores”
may be entered per word.
Select this box to indicate if the word list was presented in an aided condition.
The Aided menu has 3 options that toggle each time the button is selected.
Aided (HA)
Cochlear Implant (CI)
When HA or CI is selected the transducer will automatically change to
speakers as the selected transducer.
Decibel (dB) Step
The dB Step button toggles the choices for the decibel steps when adjusting the
attenuator dials. Each time this option is selected with the navigation button or a
mouse, the step size moves to the next option. The options for dB step size are
1 dB
2 dB
5 dB