When the high frequency evaluation is complete, move to the next test
type in the typical testing sequence.
Print Options
In the Configuration menu, a Print option offers the option of changing the print
format for the current session. When a new session is started, the print format
will revert to the configured preference selected in Config App.
Special Test License
The Special Test license includes additional test signals, keyboard short cuts and
a series of special tests that may be performed during the audiometric
Scorer / Timer
The Correct, Clear and Incorrect pushbuttons are used to score the SISI
test. The scorer is displayed in the test status area of the screen. When the
SISI is selected, the scorer initializes to 0/0 = 0%. The operator presses
the Correct or Incorrect pushbutton after each signal presentation to score
the evaluation. The score resets to 0/0=0% when the Clear button is
During Tone Decay tests, the Scorer/Timer pushbuttons may be used to start,
pause, stop and clear the timer. The timer is displayed in the test area of the
screen. The timer may be set to stop at 1, 2, 3 or 4 minutes. The timer may be
paused and resumed at any point by pressing the Pause pushbutton. Pressing Stop
will stop the timer, but leave the current time displayed. Pressing Start will reset
the timer to 0:00 and restart the timer.
The timer may also be started by pressing the patient response button.
The timer will be active as long as the patient response button is depressed.
When the patient response button is released, the timer will be paused and may
be resumed by pressing and holding the patient response button again.
Remote Keyboard
The Pello may be controlled with an external keyboard. Many of the operations
of the front panel keys on the instrument may be performed using keyboard
shortcuts. This functionality is included with the Special Test license. The
following table shows the mapping of the keyboard keys to the instrument
Instrument Function
Air Conduction Routing - Left/Right
Transducer – Speaker Ch1 and Ch2
Transducer – Insert Ch1 and Ch2