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When the glue has set hard, place on the fin on the tailplane, fitting the bottom hinge
in the slot in the fuselage; the fin must rest squarely on the tailplane. In this position
mark the outline of the fin on the top of the tailplane using a felt-tip pen.
Melt the covering film using a soldering iron, as described previously, working just
inside the marked lines, and peel the unwanted film from the tailplane. The fin can
now be glued to the tailplane. Don’t forget to fit the bottom hinge in the slot in the
Tape the fin in place while the glue is setting, to prevent it shifting out of position.
As described in the first section, press the rubber grommets and metal tubular
spacers into the mounting lugs of the rudder and elevator servos, and screw the ser-
vos to the servo plate. Screw an M2 locknut and a clevis onto each end of the
threaded pushrods, and connect the clevises to the horns and the servo output arms.
Set the servos to centre, and check that the rudder and elevator are also central; if
not, screw the clevises in or out to correct.
The photo shows how a swivel pushrod connector is fitted to the nosewheel steering
linkage. Tighten the locknut on the connector barrel just to the point where the barrel
rotates smoothly, but without noticeable slop. Adjust the system so that the
nosewheel is at centre when the rudder is also at neutral, then clamp the nosewheel
steering pushrod in the pushrod connector. This should ensure that the model will roll
in a straight line on the ground.