Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler 11/2008
Before attaching the rudder permanently, offer it up to the fin once more in order to
check that the rudder and the tailwheel unit line up correctly.
Withdraw the rudder again, apply glue to the projecting hinges, the channel and the
hole for the tailwheel unit, and push the rudder onto the fin; leave a gap about 0.5
mm wide along the hinge axis to allow the rudder to deflect properly.
When the glue has set hard, install the rudder servo in the servo plate using the
retaining screws supplied in the accessory pack.
Screw a locknut and clevis onto the rudder pushrod, and connect it to the servo
output arm. Adjust the linkage in such a way that the rudder is at neutral when the
servo is at centre. Apply a drop of thread-lock fluid to the locknut and the clevis to
prevent them working loose.
Install the retract servo in the servo plate using the screws, rubber grommets and
metal spacers supplied in the accessory pack, as shown in the photo.
The pushrods from the two retract units are connected to the retract servo using
swivel pushrod connectors, which should be mounted on a double-ended output
lever or output disc spaced 24 mm apart.
Check that the swivel connectors rotate smoothly, without perceptible lost motion.
The wing panels can now be fitted to the fuselage using the aluminium joiner tube. Fit
the four plastic screws to draw the wings against the fuselage.
Bend the two retract pushrods to the shape shown, mark the correct length, and cut
them off at a point where they project out of the swivel pushrod connectors by about
2 mm.
Release the wing panels, and pull them away from the fuselage slightly so that the
retract pushrods can be slipped through the swivel connectors. Push the wings up
against the fuselage again and re-fit the four plastic screws. Set the retract servo and
both retract units to the “retracted” end-point, and tighten the grubscrews in the
swivel pushrod connectors.
Fix the receiver to the former using a cable tie, as shown in the photograph.
Locate the stop-plate for the flight battery in the fuselage, and remove it temporarily.
Fit the flight battery in the fuselage as shown in the photo, and re-fit the stop-plate to
prevent it shifting.
It may be necessary to drill a new hole for the stop-plate to suit the battery you intend
to use.
The fuselage hatch is fixed to the fuselage using the two plastic screws supplied.
Insert the dummy machine guns as shown in the following sequence of photos.