Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler 11/2008
Locate the openings for the retractable undercarriage units and remove the covering
film over them.
Cut down the spring struts to a length of about 135 mm, measured from the rear
edge of the retract unit.
Connect the pre-formed end of the retract pushrod to the plastic actuating lug on the
retract unit. Adjust the retract units at both end-points using the grubscrews; there
should be no lost motion in the units.
Place the retract units in the openings and mark the position of the screw-holes. Drill
the holes using the appropriate size of drill, and fix the retract units in place using the
retaining screws supplied in the set.
Install the swivel pushrod connectors in the 90° bellcranks, as shown in the photos;
note that the bellcranks must form a handed pair (one right, one left).
Connect the pre-formed end of the actuating pushrod to the vacant hole in the
bellcrank, and slip this assembly into the wing so that the pushrod exits the wing
through the opening in the root rib.
The retract unit and the bellcrank can now be installed: fit the actuating pushrod from
the retract unit through the cross-hole in the swivel connector at the same time.
Repeat the procedure with the second retract unit.
Final adjustment of the pushrods between the retract units and the bellcranks cannot
be made until the retract servo has been installed.
Installing the engine nacelles
Trim the hardwood reinforcement to fit in the position stated in the photo, and glue it
to the nacelle, after thoroughly roughening the joint surface of the moulding.
Allow the glue to set hard, then fit the nacelle over the motor mount from the front,
and fix it to the wing using the pan-head screw. Fit the spinner backplate on the
motor shaft to check the position and alignment of the nacelle.
Cut away the opening for the retract unit in the bottom nacelle moulding, working
along the marked lines; file out the opening to final size.
Use your fingertips to locate the locating slots in the wings, and remove the covering
film in the usual way. Fit the cover in the upper nacelle in such a way that the two
plywood tabs and the recessed area of the nacelle engage in the front moulding, and
the nacelle rests squarely on the wing.
Use a felt-tip pen to mark the position of the slots on both sides of the nacelle. The
two locating tabs can now be glued to the inside of the nacelle on both sides, after
roughening the joint surfaces thoroughly.