Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler 11/2008
Assembling the fueltanks
Push a length of fuel tubing onto the fueltank clunk weight. Push the free end of the
fuel tubing onto one of the tubes in the fueltank stopper, and check that the clunk will
be able to move freely inside the tank without binding or jamming when the stopper is
in place. When assembling the tank stopper please note that one tube should point
down (used for filling the tank), the other up (the overflow vent). Push the tank
stopper over the neck of the fueltank and clamp it in place by tightening the cross-
head screw. It is important to tighten the screw to the point where the tank is
completely sealed. You can check this with a water test: hold the tank under water
and blow into all three tubes: any bubbles indicate a leak which must be eliminated.
Cut three pieces of fuel tubing about 250 mm long and push them onto all the tubes
where they exit the fuel stopper.
Use your fingertips to locate the opening in the underside of the wing for the fueltank
support, and remove the covering film over it using a hot soldering iron or a sharp
balsa knife.
Route the fuel lines into the wing as shown in the photo at the bottom.
Cut the fueltank hatch cover to size, leaving a gluing flange about 5 mm wide.
Check the fit of the fueltank hatch cover on the underside of the wing. The cover is
simply held in place with a few drops of cyano.
Drill a hole for the throttle pushrod in the firewall at the appropriate point; the position
varies according to the motor you are using.
When installing the motor, first connect the pre-formed end of the throttle pushrod to
the carburettor throttle arm; slip the throttle pushrod through the plastic sleeve and fix
the motor to the motor mount using the retaining screws. Glue the pushrod sleeve in
Install the throttle servo in the appropriate opening using the screws, rubber
grommets and metal spacers supplied in the servo accessory pack, as shown in the
Locate the linkage hole in the servo output arm which is 11 mm from centre, and
open it up to 2 mm Ø. Fit the swivel pushrod connector in the hole in the output arm,
and check that the connector barrel rotates smoothly, but without
noticeable slop.
Apply a drop of thread-lock fluid to the retaining nut to prevent it working loose. Set
the servo to centre and the carburettor to the “half-open” position, then fit the output
arm on the servo. Snip off excess pushrod length using side-cutters.
Cut the openings required in the engine nacelle to clear the cylinder head, the
silencer, the undercarriage etc. File out the openings to final size, and attach the
nacelle using the method described for the electric-powered version.