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Grandstream’s latest firmware is available
Oversea users are strongly recommended to download the binary files and upgrade firmware
locally in a controlled LAN environment.
Alternatively, user can download a free TFTP or HTTP server and conduct local firmware upgrade.
free windows version TFTP server is available for download from
. Our latest official release can be
downloaded from http://www.grandstream.com/y-firmware.htm.
1. Unzip the file and put all of them under the root directory of the TFTP server.
2. Put the PC running the TFTP server and the GXW4248 device in the same LAN segment.
3. TFTP server's security settings should be changed from "Receive Only" to "Transmit Only" for the
firmware upgrade.
4. Configure the Firmware Server Path with the IP address of the PC
5. Update the change and reboot the unit.
Grandstream SIP Device can be configured via Web Interface as well as via Configuration File through
TFTP or HTTP/HTTPS. “Config Server Path” is the TFTP or HTTP/HTTPS server path for configuration
file. It needs to be set to a valid URL, either in FQDN or IP address format. The “Config Server Path” can
be same or different from the “Firmware Server Path”.
A configuration parameter is associated with each particular field in the web configuration page. A
parameter consists of a Capital letter P and 1 to 3 (Could be extended to 4 in the future) digit numeric
numbers. i.e., P2 is associated with “Admin Password” in the ADVANCED SETTINGS page. For a
detailed parameter list, please refer to the corresponding firmware release configuration template.
When a Grandstream device boots up or reboots, it will issue a request for a configuration file
“cfgxxxxxxxxxxxx”, where “xxxxxxxxxxxx” is the MAC address of the device, i.e., “cfg000b820102ab”. In
addition, device will also requests a XML configuration file “cfgxxxxxxxxxxxx.xml”. If the download of
“cfgxxxxxxxxxxxx.xml” is not successful, the provision program will issue a request for a generic
configuration file “cfg.xml”. Configuration file name should be in lower case letters.