It is also possible to log in with a public key. This key and its private key can be generated
with the “ssh-keygen” command under Linux or Cygwin under Windows in
“$HOME/.ssh/” (public key) and “$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa” (private key). Cygwin needs
the openssh package to run “ssh-keygen”. The file containing the public key (
must then be copied to the server via the FTP or SCP in the “.ssh” folder with the file name
ed_keys”. Only one 2048-bit RSA key is supported by the server.
To reduce the risk of network attacks, SSH clients store the SSH servers they have
accessed. A warning message should appear the first time a server is connected or in the
event of a computer attack involving server identity theft. The user is then given the choice
of whether or not to access the server and whether or not to let the SSH client memorise the
Under Windows
To connect to a Gorgy Timing product via Telnet, run cmd.exe and
enter “
” replacing <IP> with the IP address of the product.
For the SSH protocol, there is no application included in Windows. You will need to install a
client such as Putty or Teraterm. If requested by these applications, the SSH connection
settings are:
SSH version 2 (or SSH2)
Port TCP 22
Under Linux
To connect to a Gorgy Timing product using SSH, launch a terminal and enter
with the username and IP address of the product. The key
exchange method, authentication code and encryption algorithm can be forced
independently by inserting the following options between “
” and the username:
” for the key exchange method,
-m <code>
” for the authentication code, and
-c <algorithm>
” for the encryption algorithm.
When authenticating with a key, if the error “Agent admitted failure to sign using key”
appears, run:
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" && rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts && ssh-