Manual V14 14/02/20 Page 35 of 52
Each time InstaCal is opened, it looks to see what Measurement Computing Company
interfaces it can find. The first one it finds it allocates to
board 0
and the next to
board 1
and so on. It records the board type and serial number and automatically edits a .ini file to
include this information.
If you change one acoustic system for another, it will have the same board type, but it will
have a different serial number, which means that the USB will not be recognised and the
driver will not be loaded.
If you run InstaCal again, it will look for Measurement Computing Company interfaces. It will
realise that the one already recorded is no longer present (by comparing serial numbers)
and offer to remove it. When you answer yes, InstaCal will offer to record the new USB
interface and when you click
it will edit the .ini file to include the new board type and
serial number. If board 0 is free, it will automatically allocate it to board 0, otherwise it will
allocate it to the lowest available board number.
It is for these reasons that you can't only unplug one A1 instrument and replace it with
another. You must run InstaCal to let it recognise that the first one is no longer present,
delete it, and replace it with the new one.
If you have two USB devices connected, both can be registered by InstaCal ---- one as board
0 and one as board 1. Provided you go into the software of one of them (
) and change it to board 1 then you can easily switch between each system without
having to run InstaCal.