Gill Instruments Ltd
MetPak/MetPak RG and MetPak Pro Base Stations
Page | 71
Issue 1
Doc. No. 1723-PS-0023
October 2018
Select the COMMS Page
Default is Gill.
Default is RS232.
Select RS232 or RS485P2W. RS232 will only allow a
single point to point non multi drop network connection. RS485 2 wire will
allow networking with up to 32 connected devices.
Baud Rate:
Default is 19200. Select required Baud rate (9600 or 19200 supported).
Node ID:
Default is Q.
Not used for MODBUS.
Output Rate:
Default is 1Hz. Set update rate for Base Station Data.
Message Mode:
Default is CONT. Select POLL mode and the Base Station will only make
and output a measurement (set by the output rate) on demand from the
Modbus Master. In CONTinuous mode the Base Station continuously
makes measurements set by output rate (0.25Hz to 1Hz) and only outputs
a result when demanded from the Modbus Master.
When required settings have been selected click on Save Settings to Device
Click on Yes and OK.
Power down the Base Station and apply power back to the Base Station to complete setting
now that the unit is in MODBUS mode if any further changes need to be made use the
SAFE MODE connection and method to re-establish communication with MetSet (See Para 6.7).