Gill Instruments Ltd
MetPak/MetPak RG and MetPak Pro Base Stations
Page | 13
Issue 1
Doc. No. 1723-PS-0023
October 2018
Inputs - MetPak Pro Base Station (MetPak RG Base Station, Digital Input only).
Analogue 1 (AN1)
0 to 5V or 4 to 20mA powered or Analogue Sensor Powered.
Analogue 2 (AN2)
0 to 5V or 4 to 20mA powered or Analogue Sensor Powered.
Analogue Input A-D
12 bit resolution with an accuracy of
0.1% of reading, +35uV
offset (voltage inputs) or
0.5uA (current inputs).
Analogue Input Impedance
Input impedance for 0-5v input is 330 k ohm.
Input impedance for 4-20mA input is 47 ohms.
4 wire PRT, Pt100 conforms to IEC 60751
Digital Input (DIG1)
Rain Gauge
Contact Closure input (tipping bucket rain gauge) capable of
capturing events up to 10Hz
Digital Input
Capable of detecting an event with a duration of greater than
Digital Input
Capable of detecting a space between events (i.e. terminals
open-circuit) with a duration of greater than 11mS.
Digital Input
Capable of reading a switch contact closure providing the total
Digital Switch contact resistance (contact and cabling) is less
than 1k ohm.
Digital Outputs
RS232, RS422, *RS485 (*2 wire point to point) or SDI-12.
(RS232 point to point and RS485 2 wire networkable –
Baud Rates
1200 (SDI-12), 4800-57600 (ASCII RS232, RS422, *RS485)
9600-19200 (MODBUS RTU/ASCII)
ASCII, SDI-12 V1.3, NMEA 0183 (MetPak only) or MODBUS
Data Output
1 reading per second (1 Hz), 1 reading per 2 seconds, 1
reading per 4 seconds or Polled Mode
MetPak Status
Status codes provided within the data message string
RS485 2 wire point to point only.
Power Supply
Input voltage (RS232, RS422,
12v to 30v dc
Current at 12v
Default setting (first value is Base Station current)
15mA MetPak Base Station Current
23mA MetPak RG Base Station Current
23mA MetPak Pro Base Station Current
+ 9mA at 12v with WindSonic
+13mA at 12v dc with WindSonic 75
+ 9mA at 12v WindSonic M (plus heater power)
+ 50mA at 12v WindObserver 70/75/90 (plus Heater power)
+ 55mA at 12v WindMaster/WindMaster Pro