Gill Instruments Ltd
MetPak/MetPak RG and MetPak Pro Base Stations
Page | 33
Issue 1
Doc. No. 1723-PS-0023
October 2018
MetPak Pro Base Station Junction Box (Part 1723-PK-021)
As part of a MetPak Pro Base Station system, Gill Instruments can provide a Junction Box
containing a pcb with removable terminal connectors and optional mounting hardware to provide a
means of connecting external sensor and Base Station wiring at a convenient common point.
Alternatively the pcb with removable terminal connectors can be supplied as a standalone item for
mounting in a customer supplied box.
Junction Box parts if required are:
Junction Box with internal terminating pcb.
Terminating pcb (to mount in customer box).
Pack of 4 feet for Panel Mounting the Junction Box.
Pack of 4 brackets for Pole Mounting the Junction Box.
Junction Box 1723-PK-201 (containing Terminating pcb 1723-PK-202)
Junction Box terminating pcb circuit track layout