Chapter 5
Printing Jobs on the Gerber CAT | UV
P83173A RevA
job would be resized to 18.75" x 24.75" (476.25mm x 628.65mm) to allow the printing to
go 0.375” (9.52mm) beyond the sign blank on all sides.
Load the sign blank by aligning it to the table alignment marks/holes. Press the
LOAD/UNLOAD key on the printer when finished.
In order to protect the job from printing directly on the table, you need to protect the
printer’s flat bed with tape and scrap material that is at least 1/2" (12.7mm) wide.
Standing in front of the printer, apply masking tape on the front and left side of the
printer around the edges of the sign blank. Use scrap material on the right and back
The scrap material must cover the full width and length of the sign blank so that there
are no gaps between the sign blank and the masking tape or scrap material. The scrap
material used to protect the table on the sides of sign blank should be approximately
the same height as the substrate on which you are printing in order to properly protect
the print heads.
NOTE: Thicker scrap material will cause carriage strikes. Thinner scrap material is acceptable
as long as it is within 1/16" (1.6mm) of the substrate thickness.
Using the new page size, send the job to the printer and start printing by pressing the
RUN JOB key in the GERBER CAT|UV. When the GERBER CAT|UV asks you to
move the UV shield, move the UV shield so that it is aligned with the scrap material,
not the substrate’s edge.
NOTE: It is important to align the UV shield with the scrap material so that the printer does
not inadvertently print on the shield and result in ink build-up that can cause head strikes.
Front of Printer
Front of Printer
Left side
of Printer