Chapter 6
Printer Maintenance
P83173A RevA
Place 3-5
drops of Daily Maintenance Solution onto a new Anticon-covered swab.
Wipe the left-most printhead from back to front 2 times at a 45
angle, using light
pressure, by holding the swab in the middle of the stick, between the thumb and index
finger as pictured below.
NOTE: There are two printheads for each color.
Reposition the Anticon wipe over the foam-tipped swab so that a new, clean area is
located at the swab tip. Apply 3-5 drops of Daily Maintenance Solution and then wipe
the 2
printhead of the same color repeating the previous step.
CAUTION: Never reuse old swabs to clean the printhead. Never use the same
Anticon-covered swab on two different color printheads.
Repeat the previous steps for the remaining heads, moving from left to right, and
using a new Anticon-covered swab for each color set of printheads. The printer
prompts you to
Raise shelf when done
Dispose of swabs and wipes according to state and local laws and regulations.
Raise Maintenance Shelf when complete. After raising the maintenance shelf, the
printer returns to the home position. The
Printer Ready
screen displays.
Nozzle Out recommended
message appears. Ignore and continue.
Filling the ink lines
Fill Ink Line command in the Maintenance section of the printer’s menu is used when ink is
initially loaded into the printer and any time ink needs to be reloaded after the ink lines have