5. Turn the selector switch clockwise back to the standby position. Press the ›on/
off‹-switch and turn the appliance off. Unplug the power cord and allow the
appliance to cool.
6. If the steam wand is clogged with deposits, then pierce the steam wand with the
needle in the cleaning tool.
7. If the the clogging will not dissolve, then unscrew the tip of the steam wand.
8. Soak the steam wand tip for about 10 minutes in a hot detergent solution and
then open the hole in the steam wand tip with the needle in the cleaning tool.
Be careful not to pierce yourself with the needle.
9. Screw the steam wand tip back onto the steam wand.
Do not apply any violence when screwing the steam wand tip on,
so as not to strip the threads. The steam wand tip must be tightened only slightly, so
that no gap between the steam wand tube and the steam wand tip remains.
10. Insert the attachment with the narrow end onto the steam wand and push up
until it clicks into place. The attachment should not wobble or fall off. Rotate the
attachment during the process slightly back and forth.
The attachment has two resistors inside and is placed properly, when you have pus-
hed the attachment for snapping up over the first resistance onto the steam wand.
The steam wand should be located only in the narrow part of the attachment and
must not protrude from the top down.
1. Rinse the used filters and the portafilter immediately after each use with clean
water. Remove all remains of coffee powder. If the pores in the filter are clogged,
use the needle in the cleaning tool to open the pores.
2. Wipe the inside of the grouphead with a damp cloth to remove the remains of
the coffee powder.
3. Rinse the portafilter and the grouphead by regularly. To do this, insert the porta-
filter with one of the filters (without coffee!) into the appliance and let some water
to flush through and remove all remnants of the coffee powder from the pores.