When the new database has updated the Garmin G3000 system make sure that the GPS signal
is valid. Refer to Garmin GIA 63W Integrated Avionics Unit - Adjustment/Test GPS 1 and GPS
2 Operational Test.
Put the BATTERY switch, found on the ELECTRICAL POWER switch panel, to the OFF position.
Remove the Nav Data card from the MFD.
Upload procedures for the NAV Data database.
Put external electrical power on the airplane.
Put the BATTERY switch to the ON position.
When Garmin system is powered on and the GPS signal is valid navigate to the GTC Avionics
status page and select the Database Tab.
The page shows the database 'syncing'.
When the 'syncing' is complete the database loading is complete.
When the GPS signal is valid the Jeppessen NAV Data database crossfills to other GDUs.
To monitor the crossfill from one of the GTCs Homepage push the buttons in this sequence:
On the Avionics Status page select the DATABASE tab.
"Syncing' shows on the page.
When 'Syncing no longer shows the database load is complete.
Database Verification
Make sure that the G3000 Avionics System is in normal mode.
Push the buttons, in the sequence that follows on the GTC 1:
Select the DATABASE tab.
Make sure that each updated database shows the correct cycle number and that none of the
dates are shown in amber text.
Push the BACK button.
Make sure that SYNCING is not displayed.
The Database Verification is complete.
TOLD Database
(Airplanes with software version 3.2 and later) Load the TOLD database.
Record the part number of the TOLD database.
Insert the TOLD Database card in the L PFD.
Do the Software Loading Configuration Mode procedure.
On the GTC 1, select L PFD in the GDU CONTROLS button section of the page.
Push the right knob on the GTC 1 to activate the cursor on L PFD.
On the GTC 1 rotate the right inner knob to open the drop down box under the GROUP window
on the L PFD.
Select the appropriate TOLD database in the GROUP window.
Push the ENTER button on the GTC 1.
On the GTC rotate the inner knob to open the drop down box under the ITEM window.
(10) Push the ENTER button on the GTC 1.
(11) Make sure that there are list of software items are displayed in the PRODUCT window.
(12) Push the LOAD softkey on the L PFD to install the TOLD database.
Each GTC will cycle power as the TOLD database is loaded.
When the PRESS ANY KNOB TO CONTINUE message appears press any key.
Do not wait for the timer to reach 0:00. Allowing the timer to expire may cause the loading
to fail.
(13) Do this procedure again if the TOLD database fails to load.
(14) Remove the TOLD Database card after loading the database.
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© Cessna Aircraft Company
Dec 05/2016
Form 2261 Rev 1