Scope of Work/Materials
13850 (28 31 00) - 9
Bid No.041818-Installation of New Fire Alarm System at Adams Elementary School
connection of modules up to 3,000 feet from cabinet. Each ILI-MB-
E3’s RS-485 bus shall
support up to 16 ASM-16 auxiliary switch modules, 6 LCD-E3 main annunciators, and 5
LCD-7100 annunciators.
Peer-to-Peer Panel Configuration: All Loop Interface Modules shall incorporate own
programming, log functions, Central Processor Unit, and control-by-event (CBE)
programming. If any loop driver becomes disabled, each remaining loop driver shall
continue to communicate with remainder of network and maintain normal operation.
Control-by-Event (CBE) Program: ILI-MB-E3 shall be capable of programming using
Boolean logic including AND, OR, NOT, and TIMING functions to provide complete
programming flexibility.
Alarm Verification: Smoke detector alarm verification shall be standard option while
allowing other devices such as manual stations and sprinkler flow to create immediate
alarm. This feature shall be selectable for smoke sensors that are installed in
environments prone to nuisance or unwanted alarms.
Alarm Signals:
All alarm signals shall be automatically latched or “locked in” at control
panel until operated device is returned to normal and control panel is manually reset.
When used for sprinkler
flow, “SIGNAL SILENCE” switch may be bypassed, if required by
Electrically Supervised:
Each SLC and NAC circuit shall be electrically supervised for opens, shorts, and
ground faults. Occurrence of fault shall activate system trouble circuitry but shall not
interfere with proper operation of other circuits.
ellow “SYSTEM TROUBLE” LEDs shall light and system audible sounder shall
steadily sound when trouble is detected in system. Failure of power, open or short
circuits on SLC or NAC circuits, disarrangement in system wiring, failure of
microprocessor or any identification module, or system ground faults shall activate
this trouble circuit. Trouble signal shall be acknowled
ged by operating “TROUBLE
GE” switch. This shall silence sounder. If subsequent trouble
conditions occur, trouble circuitry shall resound. During alarm, all trouble signals
shall be suppressed with exception of
lighting yellow “SYSTEM TROUBLE” LEDs.
Drift Compensation
– Analog Smoke Sensors: System software shall automatically adjust
each analog smoke sensor approximately once each week for changes in sensitivity due
to effects of component aging or environment, including dust. Each sensor shall maintain
its actual sensitivity under adverse conditions to respond to alarm conditions while
ignoring factors which generally contribute to nuisance alarms. System trouble circuitry
shall activate, display units that requires maintenance.
10. Analog Smoke Sensor Test: System software shall automatically test each analog smoke
sensor a minimum of 3 times daily. Test shall be recognized functional test of each
photocell (analog photoelectric sensors) and ionization chamber (analog ionization
sensors) as required annually by NFPA 72. Failure of sensor shall activate system trouble
circuitry, display “Test Failed” indication, and identify individual device that failed.
11. Off-Premises Connection:
Fire Alarm System: Connect via Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (DACT)
and telephone lines to central station or remote station. Panel shall contain
disconnect switch to allow testing of system without notifying fire department.
12. Remote Station Option: Fire department shall be consulted regarding authorized remote
station serving municipality. Fire alarm system shall transmit alarm, supervisory, and
trouble signals with alarm having priority over supervisory and trouble signals. Required
phone lines shall be provided and installed between incoming telephone service and fire