Scope of Work/Materials
13850 (28 31 00) - 10
Bid No.041818-Installation of New Fire Alarm System at Adams Elementary School
alarm system by Owner’s telephone contractor under separate contract. Owner will be
responsible for phone company costs.
13. Local Energy City Master Box Option: Fire alarm system shall be connected to local
energy city master box. City master box shall be coded and timed in accordance with
requirements of fire department. Box shall be surface or flush mounted and located as
specified by building engineer and fire department.
14. Central Station Option: Fire alarm control panel shall provide Digital Alarm Communicator
Transmitter (DACT) for signaling to central station. D
ACT shall contain “Dialer-Runaway”
feature preventing unnecessary transmissions as result of intermittent faults in system and
shall be Carrier Access Code (CAC) compliant, accepting up to 20-digit central station
telephone numbers. Fire department shall be consulted as to authorized central station
companies serving municipality. Fire alarm system shall transmit both alarm and trouble
signals, with alarm having priority over trouble signal. Contractor shall be responsible for
all installation charges and Owner will be responsible for line lease charges.
15. Network Annunciator Option: Each ILI-MB-E3 and associated display shall provide option
of being configured as network annunciator. Options for annunciation shall default as
regional annunciator with capability of selecting global annunciation to provide system-
wide protection and Acknowledge, Silence, and Reset capabilities.
16. Redundant History Log: Each ILI-MB-E3 shall contain full 4100 event history log
supporting local and network functions. If a main processor or network node is lost the
entire log shall be accessible at any other Loop Interface board. This shall be
demonstrated by removing power from Command Center followed by extraction of history
log from any loop driver location, including Command Center or Transponder.
17. LEDs Indicator and Outputs: Each ILI-MB-E3 or ILI95-MB-E3 Loop Interface shall
incorporate a minimum of the following diagnostic LED indicators:
Power: Green.
Alarm: Red.
Supervisory: Yellow.
General Trouble: Yellow.
Ground Fault: Yellow.
Transmit: Green.
Receive: Green.
18. Auxiliary Power Outputs: Each ILI-MB-E3 Loop Interface shall provide the following
supply outputs:
24 VDC non-resettable, 1 amp. maximum, power limited.
24 VDC resettable, 1 amp. maximum, power limited.
19. Microprocessor: Loop interface shall incorporate 32-bit RISC processor. Isolated
“watchdog” circuit shall monitor microprocessor and upon failure shall activate system
trouble circuits on display. Microprocessor shall access system program for all control-by-
event (CBE) functions. System program shall not be lost upon failure of both primary and
secondary power. Programming shall support Boolean logic including AND, OR, NOT,
TIME DELAY functions for maximum flexibility.
20. Auto Programming: System shall provide for all SLC devices on any SLC loop to be pre-
programmed into system. Upon activation of auto programming, only devices that are
present shall activate. This allows for system to be commissioned in phases without need
of additional downloads.
21. Environmental Drift Compensation: System shall provide for setting Environmental Drift
Compensation by device. When detector accumulates dust in chamber and reaches
unacceptable level but yet still below allowed limit, control panel shall indicate