Chapter 13 Wireless LAN Controller
By using the wireless LAN controller, you can set up and manage a WLAN infrastructure
with multiple access points (APs). The WLAN controller has a Wizard which assists you in
the configuration of your access points. The system uses the CAPWAP protocol (Control
and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points Protocol) for any communication between mas-
ters and slaves.
In smaller WLAN infrastructures with up to six APs, one of the AP's assumes the master
function and manages the other AP's as well as itself. In larger WLAN networks a gateway,
e.g. such as a bintecR1202, assumes the master function and manages the AP's.
Provided the controller has "located" all of the APs in its system, each of these shall re-
ceive a new passport and configuration in succession, i.e. they are managed via the WLAN
controller and can no longer be amended "externally".
With the bintec WLAN controller you can
• automatically detect individual access points (APs) and connect to a WLAN network
• Load the system software into the APs
• Load the configuration into the APs
• Monitor and manage APs
Please refer to your gateway's data sheet to find out the number of APs that you can man-
age with your gateway's wireless LAN controller and details of the licenses required.
13.1 Wizard
The Wizard menu offers step-by-step instructions for the set up of a WLAN infrastructure.
The Wizard guides you through the configuration.
When you select the Wizard you will receive instructions and explanations on the separate
pages of the Wizard.
We highly recommended that you use the Wizard when initially configuring your WLAN
13 Wireless LAN Controller
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2